Monday, March 24, 2008

Settling in

Finally a picture with his eyes open! As far as we can tell he looks almost exactly like Max when Max was a newborn. He's got brown hair and blue eyes, big hands, and very long and strong legs. He is strong in general - he is already holding his head up and positioning himself to nurse. He is *very* hungry. As can be expected, he is a professional at eating, sleeping and pooping!

Max is very excited about his big brother responsibilities and wants to hold and play with Owen constantly. Unfortunately, Max has a cold complete with the proverbial snotty nose. Learning to be a laid back parent the second time around comes rather quickly! We are basically settling into being parents x2. The 3-year-old is definitely our biggest challenge at this point. It is so hard to contain his energy and excitement! It is so hard for him to be "gentle." I have a feeling that Owen is going to be one tough guy! Fortunately, Max will be off at school for the next three days so he will get somewhat back on a schedule and give his poor parents some time to "rest."

I will try to post with labor details soon. Suffice it to say that it was very fast and intense. Hard labor started around 8:00 pm, my water broke completely at 10 pm, I pushed for a half and hour and that big chunker was out! Our doula was there from 8 on, the midwife apprentice was there from 7:30-8:30 and 10 on and our actual midwife only got there 10 minutes before he arrived! It felt very out of control, but I was so glad that it was quick. It was about as opposite from Max's birth as could be. As soon as it was over, my first thought was "Thank God I wasn't at the hospital." My first thoughts the next morning were, "I just got 4 hours of sleep. Thank God I am not still in labor!"


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the family, Owen !! Natalie and Adam, take naps when you can - I wish I had !!

Aunt Shelley

Anonymous said...

Yey! Look at that hair - such a cutie! Hope you're getting some sleep now - we sure aren't. Alasdair eats like a horse ALL day long. Enjoy the sleepy newborn phase while it lasts.