Sunday, January 13, 2008


Max and Daddy were just coming in from playing outside.

Max: Mommy are you done working?

Mommy: Nope.

Daddy: Mommy has to work for a long, long, long time.

Max: Mommy were you working when the dinosaurs were here?

**It is approximately 3 weeks until my dissertation needs to be given to my committee! Yikes! Back to work!


Brooke said...

You can do it!

Anonymous said...

It's great that you're keeping record of the things that Max has to share!

Just after Hannah accidentally broke something....

Hannah: Dangit! Crap! Dangit! Crap!
It's a dangit, right Mama?

3 second pause...

Mama: Hannah, where'd you hear those words?

Hannah immediately retorts: From YOU Mama! You say it all the time!