Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Data Meeting Accomplished

After months (years) of anxiety, I'm glad to say that after I presented my Ph.D. research to my committee yesterday they gave me the go ahead to finish writing my disseratation and plan my defense. Based on my committee members' schedules it looks like my defense will be sometime the week of Feb 18-22. That gives me a month to finish writing as I have to have everything in two weeks in advance! I had better get to work.

The whole thing was rather anti-climactic; they hardly asked me any questions or gave me any advice! So, I thought I needed to burn off a little steam and had the great idea to walk the 3 or so miles home from campus. (Did I mention it was 62 degrees F yesterday?!) The first mile and a half, or so, were just what I needed, but the rest wasn't so good and I am really sore today. I feel like my hip joints are grinding to pieces - and everything is so stiff. This must be what it feels like to have arthritis!

That is the big news - I had better get to work!


Brooke said...

Go Nat! Only maybe walk less next time?

write write write!

Tracy said...

Yeah! Good luck on getting the next piece done. you're getting there.

Anonymous said...

Huzzah! Congratulations and - well, good luck getting there.