Thursday, January 03, 2008


Yesterday, Adam and I were trying to get some work done at home. I tried to ask Adam discretely whether I should call the neighbor kid (our favorite 11 year old) to see if he would take Max outside to play for a little bit. We knew we were in big trouble when before Adam could respond, Max piped in, "I think we should call Ethan to come play with M-A-X!" I guess we've had a few months warning that the spelling trick was almost up. A few months ago I said to Adam, "It's almost time for N-A-P," and Max answered, "I don't want to take a nap!"

Max knows almost all of his letters now (unless, of course, we are asking him to demonstrate his vast letter knowledge to somebody else), knows a lot of the letter sounds and gets that letters spell words. I guess it is only time before we are in big, BIG trouble!

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