Friday, December 28, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Halloween 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Can you believe it?!
Everybody was wrong! Well, except Adam and a few other people. We are going to have a baby brother around here! All his measurements came out great - he is a 14 ouncer at 19 weeks 4 days and all parts are intact. Now comes the hard part - naming the little bugger! Put your thinking caps on!
Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
We just got a call from the Perinatal Assessment Center and due to an ultrasound tech being out sick our appointment is postponed until 9:00 tomorrow morning!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Froggy in the rain

Speaking of donuts, this reminded us of the first time he ever had a donut. It was at his Grandma Nancy's house and his somehow got his grubby little hands on a donut. On first bite his eyes lit up and (this was before he could speak in sentences) he was all "bagel." As in, "This is the best bagel I've ever eaten in my life." or "They don't make bagels like this in Michigan." At any rate, he was in awe. It was pretty comical. He now understands that sugar is the common ingredient in sweet food. Sometimes when we ask him what he wants to eat he just says, "sugar." At least he is honest. And he really enjoys those precious sprinkles on his morning oatmeal!
***The big day is tomorrow (Tuesday) when we get to check in on baby#2 and hopefully find out if it has any major health concerns and if it is a boy or a girl! It is pretty exciting! We will try to send a text message post to the blog from hospital so check in sometime after 2:00 Eastern Time.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Officially Rec.ognizable Pregn.ant Lady
Pretty impressive, eh?

For comparison:

For further comparison:
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Laundry Stories
Max likes to help me with the laundry, and apparently it is a time of deep philosophical thought for him.
Story #1: Max was helping me load wet clothes into the dryer. After some thought he pointed to the two machines and said, "This is the dryer and that is the wetter."
Story #2: Again he was loading wet clothes into the dryer.
Max: Why are the clothes wet?
Mommy: The water in the washing machine helps get dirt off the clothes just like water in your bath helps get dirt off of you.
Max: My doggy towel is my dryer!
Story #1: Max was helping me load wet clothes into the dryer. After some thought he pointed to the two machines and said, "This is the dryer and that is the wetter."
Story #2: Again he was loading wet clothes into the dryer.
Max: Why are the clothes wet?
Mommy: The water in the washing machine helps get dirt off the clothes just like water in your bath helps get dirt off of you.
Max: My doggy towel is my dryer!
Pheasant Hunting Report
It was the pheasant hunting opening weekend in South Dakota. It sounds like they had a successful hunt getting their limit before the end of the day. Aunt Shelley was visiting from Alaska and getting the full South Dakota experience! Max, Daddy and even Mommy are a little sad that they missed out, but they'll be there for sure next year!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Getting excited
...and a little nervous too! There must have been a mix-up with scheduling because we got a notice in the mail saying that our Level II Ultrasound is scheduled for October 30. That means only 11 days until we (hopefully) find out if Baby#2 is a boy or a girl!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Max's spinach pie was too hot to eat so he decided to go get the little airplane with the battery operated propeller Karin gave him and blow on his food! His parents, of course, think he is exceedingly clever.
Max's teddy bear is a constant companion these days. He is always adjusting his blanket and "taking care" of him in general. The way he does things for Teddy over and over leads me to believe that his little brain is really processing this whole baby thing. I think he is going to be a great big brother!
Max and Dou Dou
Max, mid jump, and his best buddy from Green Room at the Fall Festival. (Max's blurriness is partly explained by the fact that they were serving donuts and apple cider!)
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Back in the groove
We're back at home after an extended weekend in Chicago for Peder and Anna's wedding. It was really a great wedding, but of course we didn't take any pictures! This is getting to be a bad habit. Fortunately, our friend, Karin, is a semi-professional photographer and took a ton of pictures. Check out her pages here: Friday and the Rehearsal, Wedding Ceremony, and the Reception.
We also got to see Brooke, Emily and Sanna, and thankfully they watched our energetic guy during the wedding. Sadly, we have no pictures of them. Must improve photographer skills! How about turning on the camera for a start?!
In other news my belly has made one of those quantum leaps in size in the last day or so. That, combined with the kicks I regularly feel, makes this pregnancy very real all of the sudden! Adam even got to feel a kick the other day. I'm hoping this baby is a little gentler than Max. Memories of his 8 pound self rolling around in there have overshadowed any of the earlier pregnancy memories, but I do have a distinct recollection of getting seasick from his movements at a very early stage!
We also got to see Brooke, Emily and Sanna, and thankfully they watched our energetic guy during the wedding. Sadly, we have no pictures of them. Must improve photographer skills! How about turning on the camera for a start?!
In other news my belly has made one of those quantum leaps in size in the last day or so. That, combined with the kicks I regularly feel, makes this pregnancy very real all of the sudden! Adam even got to feel a kick the other day. I'm hoping this baby is a little gentler than Max. Memories of his 8 pound self rolling around in there have overshadowed any of the earlier pregnancy memories, but I do have a distinct recollection of getting seasick from his movements at a very early stage!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Monday, October 08, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Quick Update
It is way past my bedtime so this will be quick! Things are going well here in terms of Pregnancy #2. I hardly even feel pregnant. This is a welcome change from the first trimester and the vast majority of my pregnancy with Max! Thankfully I am using my good feelingness to get a LOT of work done. I still have no idea how I will possibly accomplish a dissertation by December, but I am giving it a run for the money. Life is pretty limited to work, Max and sleep these days so sorry if I am out of the loop with a lot of people. My voice is also getting worse again - it is really oscillating a lot with this pregnancy. Thus, I'm not too keen on talking on the phone and that combined with my dissertation stress has my current status as downright non-social.
I just made a few changes to the template here. There are some things I have left to do, but I am just too tired to do it tonight! Please vote on the little survey on the right. We hopefully will be finding out the sex of the baby at our Level II ultrasound. It is yet to be scheduled but it will presumably be sometime in November. As for me, I have been wrong about 100% of the time so I am not even attempting to guess. I know we will love it no matter what! (Max is certain that it is a boy, yet he continually refers to it as his "Little Stister.")
I just made a few changes to the template here. There are some things I have left to do, but I am just too tired to do it tonight! Please vote on the little survey on the right. We hopefully will be finding out the sex of the baby at our Level II ultrasound. It is yet to be scheduled but it will presumably be sometime in November. As for me, I have been wrong about 100% of the time so I am not even attempting to guess. I know we will love it no matter what! (Max is certain that it is a boy, yet he continually refers to it as his "Little Stister.")
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
First Trim.ester Scree.ning

Although we didn't do any screening when I was pregnant with Max, the predictive power of the technology available to us here has increased. The measurement of the nuc.hal translu.cency between 11 and 14 weeks gest.ation is very predictive of chromosomal abnormalities and some other problems. This is combined with a blood test to calculate an overall risk. Anyway, the nuc.hal translu.cency measured 1.3 mm, well below the cutoff for negative (2.5 mm). Also, the crown-rump-length was ~6.2 cm. That translates to a gestational age of approximately 12 weeks 5 days. Since we are at 12 weeks 3 days that is basically right on! The heart rate was 162 bpm. These are all indicators of a healthy baby. It is too early to tell the sex yet, but hopefully we can find that out at our Level II ultra.sound around 18 weeks gesta.tion.
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