We enjoyed a bit of puddle stomping this weekend. Only it wasn't really all that fun because in true toddler fashion Max stomped the puddles, then cried that his boots were dirty, then stomped the puddles, and so on. Until we decided to just strap him into his car seat and put us all out of our misery. We drove to the Dexter Cider Mill and fed him this:
He was, indeed, quiet. However, he did not want to take his nap.
Speaking of donuts, this reminded us of the first time he ever had a donut. It was at his Grandma Nancy's house and his somehow got his grubby little hands on a donut. On first bite his eyes lit up and (this was before he could speak in sentences) he was all
"bagel." As in, "This is the best bagel I've ever eaten in my life." or "They don't make bagels like this in Michigan." At any rate, he was in awe. It was pretty comical. He now understands that sugar is the common ingredient in sweet food. Sometimes when we ask him what he wants to eat he just says, "sugar." At least he is honest. And he really enjoys those precious sprinkles on his morning oatmeal!
***The big day is tomorrow (Tuesday) when we get to check in on baby#2 and hopefully find out if it has any major health concerns and if it is a boy or a girl! It is pretty exciting! We will try to send a text message post to the blog from hospital so check in sometime after 2:00 Eastern Time.