Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Mr. Chunky

I took Owen in for his 2-week-old checkup today. He is a healthy little bugger - and weighed in at 10 lbs 15 oz! That puts him officially at huge status! We also got a referral for the pediatric surgeon to see if he has a communicating hydrocele like big-brother Max had. It is looking like he probably does.

In general, Owen is a little sweety. He doesn't ask for much more than breastmilk and a dry diaper. (And best of all - he doesn't talk back!) Max is actually adjusting really well. It helps that we have had really nice weather, and Max has been able to spend lots of time outside. We have stopped worrying quite so much that Max is going to smoosh Owen at any minute. Owen no longer needs a permanent spotter or to be held constantly as protection from big brother!

1 comment:

Display said...

That's how big Sanna was at three months! Go go Owen!