Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Adam is back from Minnesota safe and sound. Since no baby was born while he was away, we are all glad that he went. Max and I survived in his absence, but it wasn't necessarily pretty! I guess it was mostly just normal 3-year-old drama (slightly compounded by the fact that this was the 3rd time in two weeks that Daddy went away and before that his Mommy was a nervous wreck.) Off the top of my head there was the bottle of lotion squirted all over the carpet, he overflowed the kitchen sink, and had multiple 10-minute crying sessions about how he must have the pink fork, etc. The best story is how after his (poor pregnant) mother bodily forced his outdoor clothes on, we went outside to have a great time playing in the park. When I announced that it was time to go in, he took off sprinting in the opposite direction with the dog on her expander leash. The three block sprint did not do my body any good. I guess I'm getting to that stage of pregnancy where basically every movement hurts and that compounded everything by about 10. Needless to say, we played in the (fenced in) backyard yesterday! Today, Max is at school and Adam is at work so I'm thinking about finally getting around to some nesting, but the aforementioned sore bod is a slight deterrent!

As for my defense. I passed. I guess that is the big news which everybody already figured out. Unfortunately, I had a cold so my usually hoarse voice was worse than ever. I had a microphone and got through it, but it was no fun. I guess it was a good distraction from my hugely pregnant state! It took me a few days to get over the cold virus, but I'm thankfully back to normal now.

I'm having weekly midwife appointments now. Everything is going along swimmingly though I seem to be losing weight. I'm back down to +18 pounds now. I'm not sure if that is a stress thing or just how this pregnancy is supposed to go. It is a little disconcerting though. I guess, just because it is unexpected. I feel no sense of impending labor and, in fact, the idea of a second child is a little more abstract at this point in time than I would have hoped. (You'd think the hourly jabs in the ribs would make it more "real.")

I put some new pictures up on Flickr - you can get to them by clicking on the widget where it says "more pictures." There are some of my defense party, Grandma Nancy and Grandpa Peter's visit, and Christmas (its been a while!).

PS: We are really no closer to picking out a name than we were a few months ago, but we have decided to just wait and see the little bugger and hopefully something will come to us!!

1 comment:

Display said...

I'm glad Adam is back safely. Sounds like you need a rest!